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How It All Started

Andrew, Kevin, and Jake had an idea to get together during the summer. They knew they loved making TikToks and asked a few other friends if they wanted to join. They really didn’t know what was going to happen next. The first meetup was in San Diego at Kevin’s house, which became the original Teacher Hype House. They did livestreams, took pictures and of course, made a lot of TikToks. Once it was coming to an end they didn’t want to go home. Andrew even extended his flight just to stay for a few more days! Like any good family vacation, they spent the last of their time together planning for the next gathering. This began as a few teachers that wanted to have fun and now has morphed into a crazy movement of teachers who love the idea of building relationships that started on TikTok. We are still on a journey and are looking forward to see what happens next.